A family dedicated to food

Alimentis has been the go-to for the most demanding chefs for almost 25 years, thanks to the specific established experience of the founders, the Contesini family, in the field of professional and quality catering supplies.

The systematic application in the search for the best solutions for our customers, prepared alongside the leading experts in the sector, the wide range available, the study and selection of our offers, bring us closer to all first-rate catering professionals.

The checks during processing, the choice of raw materials, the strict hygiene standards and the attention to new food trends allow us to ensure what we supply is of the highest quality.

Just like in the past: there are recipes and products that never grow old, with flavours and secrets to pass on. The name Alimentis is linked to catering at its finest, projecting the heritage of the founders' experience through the quality and safety requirements of the food market today.


Gamma Completa

Una gamma ampia e completa: che soddisfa ogni esigenza, in ogni tipo di cucina e di ogni canale della ristorazione. Ingredienti, farciture, antipasti, fino al dessert: porta in tavola Alimentis.
A wide and complete range that satisfies every need in every type of cuisine and every catering channel. Ingredients, fillings, appetizers, up to dessert, brings Alimentis to the table.
Ease and flexibility of use, a proposal of simple to use and extremely flexible products, capable of adapting to different kitchen needs and new food trends.


Ease and flexibility of use, a proposal of simple to use and extremely flexible products, capable of adapting to different kitchen needs and new food trends.


Una qualità elevata e costante: per garantire ai nostri clienti prodotti lavorati sempre allo stesso modo, con materie prime certificate e processi controllati.
High and constant quality to guarantee our customers products that are always processed in the same way, with certified raw materials and controlled processes.
A great time saving, thanks to our products, real semi-finished products that allow you to reduce preparation times while ensuring the possibility of personalizing the recipes.


A great time saving, thanks to our products, real semi-finished products that allow you to reduce preparation times while ensuring the possibility of personalizing the recipes.


Un controllo costante del costo: garantito dalle nostre lavorazioni e dalle ricette studiate appositamente per offrire prodotti costanti, anche nella resa.
Constant cost control: ensured by our processes and recipes specifically designed to provide consistent products, even in yield.
The taste as if it were "made by you" thanks to the use of fine raw materials, studied and selected exactly as they would be purchased at the shop "back home". Preferably used fresh and expertly seasoned to offer our professional customers the possibility of "that extra touch" that makes the difference and personalizes each dish.


The taste as if it were "made by you" thanks to the use of fine raw materials, studied and selected exactly as they would be purchased at the shop "back home". Preferably used fresh and expertly seasoned to offer our professional customers the possibility of "that extra touch" that makes the difference and personalizes each dish.